Tuesday, February 23, 2010

White Phantom Vigilante

New sketch for "Immortalis" Nathaniel's alter ego "The White Phantom" I did today before taking a snooze.

I decided to give some information about this character.

Name - Nathaniel
AE (alter ego) - The White Phantom
Age - Human (16) Aetherian (unknown)
Birthday - Human (March 27) Aetherian (unknown)
Gender - Male
Height - 5'8"
Parents - Father - Micheal the Arch Aetheria (archangel) Mother - Unknown
Powers - Enhanced speed, strength, agility
Abilities - Flight, healing (halted when in divine mode), control electricity and lightning, telekinesis, energy shielding,

The mask that Nathan wears is given to him by his Sifu Yuan. The mask seems to be an ordinary ornate mask, very old and distinct in design and is a symbol of strength and protection. The mask contrasts the White Phantom's brightly toned clothing.

I know he sounds like a cheap, way too over powerful superhero but hes Aetherian (an angel), those are the kind of powers and abilities I'd imagine them to have. Putting him in a world full of Manes (demons) would put them on a level playing field, so thats my reasoning behind it.

Enjoy :D

Monday, February 22, 2010

New Nathaniel Sketches

This stuff is done more recently, and since my huge in improvement of character design, Im loving these concepts :)

Feedback is always appreciated!

"Immortalis" Nathaniel more developed concepts

This is Nathaniel the hero of this city "New Zion". Nathan or Nate for short, is the son of the archangel St. Micheal and he is sent to earth in human form to save it from an impending doom.

In "Immortalis" my new comic this is Nathan's superhero costume concept.

Nathan eventually realizes his superhero duty in New Zion. He takes up angelic armor and dawns a new identity, The city eventually gives him the name "The White Phantom" vigilante, "Phantom" for short.

He holds one of the three weapons at his disposal, the holy sword is referred to as "Flame's Edge". The Enochian angelic symbols on each end of the blades signify its name.

"Immortalis" original story

The entire world is full of chaos because of gang violence, bank robberies, and assassinations of world leaders. Nathaniel (Nathan or Nate for short) is the son of an arch-angel, He is sent to earth because of an impending doom that will occur. Nathan is sent as a teenager, at the age of 16 years old. He forgets his past life with the other angels; also that his abilities are higher than human potential.
He ends up landing on the outskirts of a big city called New Zion. An Old Martial Arts teacher finds Nathan injured with burns and scrapes all over his body. The teacher then rushes him to his dojo to revive the young boy. Once they arrive, they find that Nathan's wounds have been fully healed and renewed as if nothing has occurred. The old martial arts teacher figures out that this boy is just a kid who has no memory of what has happened to him.
After Nathans recovery, The Teacher He begins to test Nathan to see what he is capable of and in time Nathan begins to remember pieces of who he really is. He then starts to remember his name and age. After a couple of weeks, the old teacher begins to trust Nathan and one day he asks Nathan to pick up a bag of milk from the store, As he goes to the store -- he spots a girl who he later meets in school, her name is Hana. He finds her caught in a brawl with fifteen mobsters down an opening of an alleyway, he notices that she's on the ground with her hands chained up; she takes multiple hits to the face with the handle of the gun. Once the mobsters cock their guns in anticipation to shoot Hana, Nathan runs to her aid and without even knowing what he was getting into – he runs in front of Hana to protect her. As the mobsters take their shots at Nathan, He gets hit with approximately fifty bullets to the chest, shoulders, and legs, but still he stays standing. The mobsters are confused and while blood dripped down Nathan's clothing, the sound of small rocks pelt the concrete beneath them, all the bullets dropping towards the ground. He remains still like nothing had happened and with their eyes wide open – the mobster reload their guns and cocking back again, One calls in one of the toughest and most biggest men, who comes out from a solid black car. He is a big brute with a brass knuckle wrapped around his fingers; the brute begins to run at Nathan with no remorse. Nathan still stands holding his ground with his head tilted down; blood continues to drip down his face and onto his jacket. As the brute rushes in with a punch, Nathan disappears and the brute suddenly flies upwards, flipping in the air and onto the car behind the group of mobsters. Their eyes open even wider, they are scared out of their wits – they begin to fire towards Nathan who has reappeared. As they continue to fire bullets, Nathan looks up with his eyes completely white; radiating as white smoke. Nathan raises his hand and every bullet that is being flying to him slows and stops in front of his hand; he grins, and disappears yet again -- one by one, the mobsters get thrown and wrapped around streetlights and cars. As Hana stands there watching, she can't believe what she is witnessing – Her eyes widen, pupils dilated, she begins to wonder who and what Nathan is. As the last mobster lands on the hood of a car, Nathan flies in front of Hana; She looks at him and says, "Who are you?" and then slowly collapses. Nathan smirks and picks her up, he hovers off the pavement and darts into the air, flying over the city towards the nearest hospital.
The mobsters are left broken and bruised; they return to their boss Lorenzo and report that they were attacked on a mission. Lorenzo grabs hold of one, picks them up by the neck and yells, "Do I have to kill this girl myself!? We are losing business because of a kid," The mobster, scared -- Lorenzo continues, "Find this kid! I want him dead! Done! DEAD YOU HEAR ME!" The other mobsters are riled up, they morph and make weird animal-like war cries; growing wings that rip off their clothes. These not so human like creatures are demons disguised as humans to destroy human civilizations with modern gang violence and crimes.
Nathan will begin to go to school; this is where he meets Hana once again. She won't recognize him at first, her eyes were badly bruised when they first encountered each other, she will only find him familiar and will become extremely suspicious of him.

Nathan was sent to earth to protect human civilization, As the child of an archangel his ability is unique and he is the only one of his kind who possesses such strengths.

"Immortalis" is the working title of my new comic.

Character sketches

got some workings of characters in progress, done a couple months ago and just being posted now...the slacker in me needed to stop just for today

the ogre character, loosely based on the japanse Oni demon, is named "Bruto" meaning brute or moron in spanish

the chinese martial arts character is named Fei-Chang and his final design is going to be used in my 2010 Animation portfolio

:D enjoy

digital painting attempt

This is my first attempt at digital painting, i dont think its that good but I guess I'll get better. Btw this was done during the summer of 2009 so I've had time to get better but havent, just been drawing since then. This piece is called "FLY, Hero of New Zion!" for my working progress of a comic "Immortalis"

Massive update imminant

So its technically the day after my 20th bday, so i am deciding to bombard my blog with an update of what I've been doing since my last post :) enjoy the incoming pics